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At Dr. Water, we undertake rigorous scientific process to ensure we provide the best products. All information is either backed by published research or supported by personal anecdotes. Wherever scientific information is limited, it is clearly stated.

Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen-rich water improves athletic performance, energy levels, recovery, reduce inflammation, and offer protection against various chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Science-Backed Benefits

  • Reduced Body Inflammaion & Better Immunity

    • Enhances the body's ability to clear harmful particles from the organs and blood.
    • Boosts the activity of immune cells that remove these particles, while its strong antioxidant properties protect organ tissues from damage caused by inflammation

    Sources: Journal of Biomedical Research, 2017

  • Improved Gut Health

    • Creates a more balanced and healthy environment in the gut, by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the gut.
    • This calmer environment allows beneficial bacteria, like Lactobacillus and Faecalibacterium, to thrive.
    • At the same time, it reduces the conditions that harmful bacteria, like Bifidobacterium.

    Sources: The Journal of Pain Research, 2021

  • Higher Physical Endurance & Lower Fatigue

    • Lowers heart rate during exercise, leading to improved cardiovascular efficiency.
    • Allowing the heart to pump blood more effectively with less effort.
    • This can lead to better endurance and reduced fatigue during prolonged physical activity.

    Sources: Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2019

  • Reduced Daily Stress

    • Reduction in stress-related nerve activity, specifically seen in the lower levels of low-frequency (LF) nerve activity, which is responsible for the 'fight or flight' response.

    Sources: Medical Gas Research, 2018

  • Skin, Organ & Overall Anti-Ageing Properties

    • Reduction in oxidative stress due to antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties. As we age, our cells & organs gradually become less efficient at repairing themselves due to oxidative stress that damages cells, proteins, and DNA, leading to various age-related changes and diseases.
    • Increase in telomere length and brain health markers, improved physical function, specifically chair stand performance for aged people.

    Sources: Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, Experimental Gerontology, 2021

  • Support in Chronic Patients - Chemotherapy, Alzeimers, Parkinsons

    • Benefits in 31 disease categories, particularly those related to oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis (cell death).
    • Helps lower inflammation and oxidative stress caused by chemotherapy, specifically chemicals in nerve cells, easing the pain.
    • Protects against neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s by increasing the production of protective hormones like ghrelin.

    Sources: Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 2017, Scientific Reports - Nature, 2013

Here's what 99% of our customers ask:

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water, also known as hydrogen-rich or hydrogen-enriched water, is simply normal water (H2O) that has dissolved hydrogen gas (H2) in it. Think of it like carbonated water, which has dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) or oxygen water with dissolved oxygen (O2).

Doesn’t water already have hydrogen in it because water is H2O?

Yes, water has hydrogen atoms, but they are chemically bound to oxygen atoms. This is different from hydrogen gas (H2), which is two hydrogen atoms bound together. Just like we can’t get oxygen from H2O because it’s bound in the water molecule, we can’t get H2 from water without it being in a free, unbound form.

I thought that if water is “hydrogen rich”, then it must be acidic?

No, if water is rich in positive hydrogen ions (H+), it would be acidic. But hydrogen water refers to neutral hydrogen gas (H2), which is two hydrogen atoms bonded together and doesn’t affect the pH of the water.

Won’t any dissolved hydrogen gas immediately escape out of the water?

Yes, hydrogen gas starts to escape from the water immediately, but it doesn’t vanish instantly. Depending on factors like surface area and agitation, it can stay in the water for a few hours. To get the best benefits, drink it promptly before it goes “flat”.

Is hydrogen safe?

Yes, hydrogen gas is very safe even at high concentrations. It’s been used in deep-sea diving since 1943 to prevent decompression sickness. Our bodies naturally produce hydrogen gas daily through gut bacteria when we eat fiber-rich foods.

Does hydrogen water taste different from normal water?

Yes, it has a lighter, more refined taste compared to regular water.

When will I start noticing the effects of hydrogen water?

You may notice increased energy and better hydration immediately, but significant improvements in oxidative stress may take a few weeks.

Can hydrogen water help me to lose weight?

Hydrogen water can help regulate oxidation levels, aiding metabolism in burning fat more efficiently. However, weight loss still depends on burning more calories than you consume.